Wednesday, July 13, 1831


1831 July

Wednesday 13

(Got up at) 9 1/4 /  (Went to bed at) 1

Down to breakfast at 9 55/.. Mrs. Norcliffe and the 2 Daltons off to Malton Election at 10 10/.. Meant to have gone, but sat dawdling over breakfast with Tib, then with Charlotte till 12 10/..

Then came up to the water closet and found my cousin come gently, always in advance now.  Ought not to have come till Sunday.  Three quarters hour at the place and preparing two napkins. It is ages since I have used more than one.

Fine, cooler, sunless, rather windy morning.  F 70° now at one.

Wrote 2 1/2 pages 1/2 sheet to Lady Stuart, when Charlotte came to me, then Esther, then Tib, then Mrs. Norcliffe who, one or other, staid with me till 4 1/4.  Then finished my note 3 pages to Lady Stuart.  Chitchat, nothing particular. 

Then wrote 3 pages 1/2 sheet to Miss Hobart.  Dressed and dinner at 5 1/2.  Came up to my room at 7 1/4.  Wrote a good deal under the seal (to say she was not to say a word, to send Moorgate on the 12th next month to Lady Stuart and Lady Stuart de Rothesay, and begged to know where to direct it that it might be received the soonest possible) and finished my letter to Miss Hobart.   Nothing of what I had written by way of rough draft.  All different, but better. Kind, not too much.  Easy style of bavardage.  

Then wrote 3 pages 1/2 sheet to Lady Stuart de Rothesay, hoping they were by this time all safe and well again in England.  Knew how fully her mind must be occupied just now, but by and by when she had leisure, begged a moment.  Very, very anxious about your dear Vere.  Hoped she (Lady S- de R-) would see Mr. Freeman and hear from himself all he had acknowledged true.  Anxious and unhappy when I thought of all the difficulties.  If any third person could smooth them away, it was herself.  Would fix no plans for myself till I heard what she advised about Vere. ‘For one writer, at least, all places, all modes of traveling, are alike to me.  Or, rather, I mean to say, if I can be of the smallest service to Vere,’ whatever is best for her will be that I should choose ‘for my own comfort and for my own pleasure.’ I have so thought of going to see the Giant’s Causeway before returning to London, but my aunt will forward my letters from Shibden Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire.  Conclude with my love to the dear girls, and believe me, my dear Lady Stuart, ever very truly yours, A Lister.

Wrote 3 pages 1/2 sheet chitchat to Madame de Hagemann, saying I was very anxious about Vere, as she, Madame de Hagemann, was very well aware, but I would not make myself uneasy. My last accounting I hope [had] been good.   Nothing would be  required beyond Whitehall, but till this was determined, I should fix no plan for myself.  She (Madame de Hagemann) had promised to write again – hoped she would – ‘I am very sincerely interested in you and yours and shall be really and cordially glad to hear from you.’ Apologized for my own stupid scrawl, far too stupid for me to bear the thought of letting it go unatoned for by a better [one] – should certainly write again when my plans were more fixed. Sent best remembrances to Mr. de Hagemann and love to the children, and, ‘believe me always very truly yours, A L.’

At 8 50/.., sent off George to Malton with enclosed in the frank Mrs. Norcliffe got me this morning from Mr. ‘W Cavendish’ the M.P. for Malton, to ‘Honorable Lady Stuart, The Lodge, Richmond Park, Surrey’ my letter to herself, my letter to ‘Miss Hobart’ in which I put my letter to ‘Madame Madame de Hagemann’ and my letter to ‘The Lady Stuart de Rothesay.’

Then wrote all but the 1st 4 1/2 lines of today and went downstairs at 9 1/2.  Came up to bed at [___]. 

Letter this morning from Messers Rawson, which I have only just opened now at 12 1/2 tonight,  at which hour F 68°.   Find I have eleven hundred and ninety-five pounds, fourteen shillings in the bank.

Have just examined and grubbled Tib in bed, standing by her, and I really think she felt pretty strongly, so I have left her to sleep after it.  The seeing her feel rather amused me.  She certainly could find no one else to do this job so well for her.

Finish, dullish, windyish morning.  Mrs. Norcliffe and the Daltons had only just got back about 1 3/4 when it began to rain for a little while in torrents like water spouts, with lightning and very loud bursts of thunder.  Rained more or less the whole of the afternoon and evening.  Raining fast when George went to the post at Malton.


WYAS Finding Numbers SH:7/ML/E/14/0087 and SH:7/ML/E/14/0088


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